Hot Events and Hot Sauce
I’m a little late with this, but I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my book signing at Brits on Broad, in Falls Church, last Friday. It was so much fun! Virginia and Joan really know how to have a party. If you haven’t been to their shop, you should go. They have so many fun and eclectic gifts, as well as British goodies, and some really pretty jewelry. While you’re there, you can get your hair cut and a massage. It’s like a little slice of heaven. I had a very successful signing there and I can’t thank them enough.
Meanwhile, back at home, I’ve been getting ready for winter by having parts of the house painted and making hot sauce using this recipe. I remembered to wear gloves during preparation and I managed not to rub my eyes, so it’s going well so far. I’m a big fan of spicy food, but I’m not interested in food so spicy it becomes a dare. I’m not into pain, certainly not gastric pain, but a little heat is always nice. Hopefully, this sauce will turn out well, but I don’t know that I can ever duplicate it, because I threw in all the peppers from the garden as well as some that were given to us, so it’ll be a surprise whatever it is.

Peppers fermenting for hot sauce.